This cutie-pie is Tag and he was welcomed into his furever home on April 21st, 2022.
Tag’s family had applied for a few different dogs and were feeling a bit discouraged as they
were so ready to welcome a RROESR fur baby into their home…and then came sweet Tag!!
Their family met the fosters and Tag took his first road trip: a road trip to his furever home
from Arkansas to Dallas. And, now he's living his best life with his roommate, a 3-year-old
Aussiedoodle named Maggie!
Tag is a loving, fun and curious labradoodle who loves other dogs, people and his toys. You
name it (frisbee, bone, ball etc.) and he'll play with it!! He loves to start every morning with a
big walk and breakfast then plays with his roommate until they're worn out. (We are
guessing with these two breeds that takes quite a while!) They love to spend their days
napping together, playing fetch, and running laps in the backyard. While Trip is such an
easy-going guy with a zest for life, he isn’t a huge fan of long car rides, but he is getting
better with each trip they take.
When Tag first got to his new home, he was timid and hid under the couch. Fast forward a
bit and now he loves to get up on your lap or lay on your feet! (We surely would spend a lot
of time on the couch snuggling him if we lived with him!)
Tag’s Family shared that he truly just brings so much joy to the house! He wakes us up in
the morning by jumping on the bed and getting them outside, which has been great for
everyone! He loves people so much and quickly makes friends with any dog. So much so
that even their neighbor's 12-year-old lab loves to play with him a bit.