This sweetheart of an OES is the two-and-a-half year old, Winnie, who got to join her furever home in February 2024. Winnie’s Momma spotted her (then Martha) on a shelter page with little time left. She reached out to Red River and asked if they could pull her since her now family is in KS. RROESR immediately sprung into action and before the shelter closed that day, they had Winnie picked up and on her way to her foster family! They put Winnie’s family in contact with her foster and they were able to find a transport to bring her half way to meet them. She's been the very best addition and they love her dearly! (It’s safe to say Winnie’s life changed that day!)
Winnie is a sweet, loyal and playful young lady who recently got a little Bernedoodle puppy sister who quickly became her best friend! Winnie also enjoys playing outside and in the sprinklers when they're on (too cute!) but she could do without new people and loud noises.
Winnie’s family shared that she is so much more relaxed now than when she first joined her family and she is getting used to her grandparents stopping by. Her family really can't imagine life without Winnie. They lost their resident pup just 2 days before they were scheduled to pick up Winnie and they struggled with what the right move was, but knew Winnie was brought to them for a reason and that Cooper would want them to be Winnies forever family. Winnie helped heal their hearts after losing their sweet Cooper and they are forever grateful for her. We have no doubt that as much as Winnie’s family saved her, that she, too, saved them! This is a match made in heaven if you ask us!