This beautiful 2-yo girl, Charlotte (formerly Darcy), was welcomed home in June 2024. Darcy’s family was looking for a rescue that would fit with their family - an energetic preschooler, an old lab mix, and 2 cats. They saw the posting about Darcy and were able to set up a meet and greet with their old fur baby and daughter. We knew within minutes that she would be the perfect fit with her easy-going personality!
Charlotte is a wiggly, energetic and happy young lady who loves to spend her days playing ball outside and sleeping! Her lab brother taught her how to play fetch and now she’s better than him at it! (oops – LOL!) She also loves all the toys - especially ropes! This little girl seems to enjoy the simple things in life…but don’t ask her to eat vegetables (can’t say we blame her!!) or leave her by herself!
Since Charlotte joined her family, they shared that her wonderful personality didn’t change at all. The only change has been her just learning how to play like a dog should have the opportunity to. (Oh goodness, our hearts!) They shared that she is the piece they didn’t know they were missing and that fits in perfectly! Their old lab actually likes her and she is the best little friend for their daughter. Oh, and she also gives the best hugs! And we anticipate there is LOTS of hugging going on in this family!!