This adorable 6.5-month-old fluff of a sheepdog is Bucky, who got to join his family in April 2024. This cutie was surrendered from a breeder to a vet because he had parvo. (Poor guy.) Thankfully, the vet said “we’ll get him well," contacted RROESR and from there he then found his now furever home!
Bucky is a sweet, friendly, smart young man who loves any and all squeaky toys and dislikes scolding (can’t say we blame him!!) His Momma shared that he is just so chill and he really enjoys just hanging after his morning walk! (But just make sure you aren't late for that morning walk!)
As Bucky has adjusted to his new (wonderful) life, he has learned to be okay with his Momma leaving for an errand and adjusted to sleeping in the kitchen. Bucky’s Mom shared that he has healed her heart and she can’t believe how fast she’s fallen in love with this monkey! (We aren’t the least bit shocked – look at him!!) She didn’t think she was ready for a puppy, but the unconditional love is overwhelming! We are ALL for a good love story!!